Our vision is for young families to have a quality, enriching play and nurturing experience.
Playgroup seeks to provide a relaxed and encouraging atmosphere where all who attend feel welcome and accepted. Playgroup provides a setting where parents, grandparents or carers can join with their child in participating in a wide range of activities, while being able to meet and socialise with other adults.
Playgroup is suitable for children aged 0-5 years. We currently have two sessions per week on a Monday & Tuesday at 9:30am - 11:30am during school terms.
This is a great opportunity to meet new people and allow children to play in a fun and welcoming environment.
Fees are processed at the time of enrolment and are charged per term.
Playgroup fees are:
$59.00 per family per term
$80.00 for family day carers (max 4 children) per term
Please email your child’s immunisation history statement to once your online enrolment has been completed.
Playgroup Facilitator - Belinda